blah blah blog

Saturday, September 16, 2006

My entrée was . . .

and addictive! I toured the PLCMCL2 account which I found helpful as an exercise in how the site works. I then did a search for “vinyl records” which gave me 1450 results. There were some relevant bookmarks as well as a list of “sponsored results” on the right side of the page. Clicking on a bookmark with a large number of users brought me to the “user notes.” These are sort of like customer reviews and can be very useful. To the right of that I looked at Common Tags, Related Items and Posting History all of which led to more links. This is where you can waste away an entire afternoon before you know it jumping from one appetizer to another. TMI. Sometimes too much info is NOT a good thing! Still, I won’t let that keep me from offering this reference tool to others. It’s free, easy to use and you don’t even need an account to search. The search box gives you the option of searching or the web so you can do all your searching from one place.
If you sign up you can set up your bookmarks, download your “favorites” from your home computer and access them from anywhere. This is a handy tool and allows those who don’t own a computer to bookmark their favorite places and access them at the library or wherever they have access to a computer.


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